Takeda Castle Ruins live camera (Wadayamacho, Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture)

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Takeda Castle Ruins Asago
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This is a live camera installed at Tourist Information Center Tenku no Shiro in Wadayama-cho, Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture. You can see the ruins of Takeda Castle. Distributed by Asago City Hall. You can also check the weather forecast, rain cloud radar and map.

Takeda Castle Ruins is a mountain castle built on the top of Mt. Kojozan at an altitude of 353.7m. There is no castle now, and only the stone walls remain. Because the whole of Mt. Kojo looks like a tiger lying down, it is also called Torafusujo/Kogajo.

Under certain conditions early in the morning in autumn, the entire mountain can be covered in a sea of clouds. It is also called Tenku no Shiro, Castle in the sky and Japan’s Machu Picchu” because of the way the castle ruins are surrounded by a sea of clouds.

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Live camera information

Weather in Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture

Rain cloud radar in Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture

雨雲レーダー - Yahoo!天気・災害

Hyogo Prefecture weather forecast

Map of Wadayamacho, Asago, Hyogo (Google Maps)

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