
  • Yashima Marsh | address: Yashima Marsh, Shimosuwa, Suwa District, Nagano | site title: “Kirigamine Heights, NATURE2.JP” | camera title: Yashima Marsh Live Camera View of (1) Kirigamine mountains 1, (2) Kirigamine mountains 2, (3) The Southern Alps, (4) The Center Alps, (5) Mt. Ontake, (6)Suwa Basin, (7) Mt. Norikura, (8) The Northern Alps, (9)Gotateyama Mountain Range, (10)Washigamine, (11)Mt. Asama and (12)Yashimagaike, Click the twelve prest number buttons, 1-12

Yashima Marsh Live Camera (Shimosuwa, Suwa District, Nagano)

This is a live camera installed in Yashima Marsh in Shimosuwa, Suwa District, Nagano Prefecture. You can see Yashima Mar...
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