We are introducing several live cameras installed at Lake Kizaki in Taira, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture. Live camera ① is installed at Kizakiko Camping Ground in Hiramori, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture. It is operated by Kizakiko Camping Ground. Kizakiko Camping Ground is a campsite located on the shores of Kizaki Lake with a site area of approximately 3,000 tsubo, approximately 100 tents, and 16 bungalows.
Live camera ② is installed on the shore of Lake Kizaki in Taira, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture. Distributed by the Omachi City General Information Center, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture. Lake Kizaki is one of the three Nishina lakes, along with Lake Aoki and Lake Nakatsuna, and is the southernmost lake.
watch live camera
Live camera ①
- Distribution type – video
- Distribution/Management – Omachi City General Information Center, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture
- Installation location – Lake Kizaki Camping Gound, Tairamori, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture 398-0001
Live camera ②
- Distribution type – Still image
- Update interval – 5 seconds
- Distribution/Management – Kizakiko Camping Ground
- Installation location – Kizaki Lake Campsite, 9707-1 Tairamori, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture 398-0001
Weather in Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture
Rain cloud radar in Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture

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Map of Tairamori, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture (Google Maps)
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