- Shimonoseki City / Kanmon Live Channel / Kanmon TV
- Karato-cho, Shimonoseki City / Kanmon Straits / Kamon Wharf
- Hohoku Town, Shimonoseki City (stopped) / Doigahama / Doigahama Nankai no Ie
- Mimosusogawa-cho, Shimonoseki City / Video from Hinoyama Shimo Current Signal Station / Japan Coast Guard 7th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters Maritime Security Department
- Shimonoseki City Yoshida Region / Chugoku Expressway Shimonoseki Junction Live Camera / NEXCO West Japan
- Hinoyamashita Tide Signal Station, Shimonoseki City, address: 3-1 Mimosusogawa-cho, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi, site title: Moji Coast Guard, Maritime Information Communication System
- Kanmon Strait, Shimonoseki City, address: 8-25 Mimosusogawa, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi, site title: Kanmon.TV, the Internet Broadcasting Station of Shimonoseki and Moji, camera title: KANMON Live Camera, the left camera: the view of the Kanmon Strait, the right camera: the upcoming view of the Strait
- Kanmon Strait, Shimonoseki City, address: 6-1 Karato-cho, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi 750-005, site title: Kamonwharf
- Kanmon Strait, camera title: Strait Live Camera, address: Fukunofuku Karatoten, 5-1 Karato-cho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi-ken 750-0005, site title: Fukunofuku Karato-ten
- Doigahama, Shimonoseki City(currently paused), address: 8174 Kamiejiri Kita, Kanda, Toyokita-cho, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi 759-6121, site title: Doigahama Beach, the beach house, “Nankai no Ie”
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